Monday, 9 March 2009

New Work from Sam Austrin-Miner

Sam does it again! I so love his work and this piece seems to mark a change in direction, he doe snot normally consider urban landscapes but appears to have slipped in to town unnoticed for this painting. He has used watercolour again but at a distance this could almost be a work in oil.

For more info see Sam Austrin-Miner's own website for Scottish Watercolours

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Scotlands Artists

Today I would like to talk about one of my favourite artists in Scotland. Thats Sam Austrin-Miner. Sams work as a watercolour painter is probably the most original I have ever seen. He does not seem to paint in the traditional kitch way that so many watercolour paints do. You know what I mean those painters who took watercolour up as a hobby and constantly paint dogs, or streams, erveything has to be so pretty! Anway Sam uses a limited pallete for his paints and tends to keep it to earthly colour tones. His paintings have to be seen to be believed. I had the special privelege of meeting him at an exhibition of his work last year. He is a really charming man. He loves people to try to interpret his work for him. If you say "and what is this?" he will say "you tell me what it looks like? Is it a warm day, or freezing cold and windy?". Awesome!
he has his own website with its very own blog where I am a regular visitor. I cannot afford one of his works at the moment but would certainly like to purchase one in the future. Check out His website is called Scottish Watercolour..take a look at his work and lets discuss a piece together..


Greetings Worldy!

Hey its great to finally get a blog! Now all I have to do is work out how these things operate!
About me? Im an art critic and a consultant to the public sector. Yeah I know its a weird combo but modern life is all about diverisity right!